Hulne: Austin girls hockey team has helped share the spirit of the season – Austin Daily Herald

Hulne: Austin girls hockey team has helped share the spirit of the season
Published 8:05 pm Wednesday, December 18, 2024
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If you’ve been out and about in the past couple of weeks, you can’t miss it.
Main Street and many homes in Austin are glowing with delight, carols are being sung in local concerts, and everyone seems a little happier.
The Christmas season is in full swing.
The Austin girls hockey team jumped on board with the season this year as head coach Denny Bray showed the team what it means to give back. The Packers spent one weekend ringing bells for the Salvation Army and another weekend purchasing 38 toys for “Toys for Tots.”
The days of volunteering certainly strengthened team bonds, but they also taught the players what it means to give back to the community. A small gesture can go a long way for the right person, and the fact that the girls on the team were so eager to give back shows that they have solid character.
Volunteering as a team allowed the girls to learn the value of community and it also created a memory they will cherish.
Seeing the team step up and give back reminds me of my days as a youth, when our high school choir would always put on a concert at the Senior Living Facility to warm-up for our main Christmas concert. While it was a “warm-up,” I can tell you those seniors loved every second of our performances and we would often see them singing along to the Christmas classics.
There are many ways to give back this time of year and if you don’t have the time to volunteer, you can brighten the spirit by simply being more friendly to those around you. Little things like asking someone how their day is or offering to help a friend with a small task can make a difference.
Also, remember to check on those who are near and dear to you. They may be waiting for your phone call.
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