What are you up to this weekend? Anton had to write a paper about zoos, so we’re going to the zoo! (He’s also reading about the Gold Rush, which is soooo fascinating.) Turns out fifth grade is cool, you guys. Hope you have a good one — will you be watching the Oscars? — and here are a few fun links from around the web…
In today’s Big Salad, book critic Tembe Denton-Hurst talks about her joyful bookstore proposal! She also recommends three great books, the workhorse bag she carries them in, a book light for planes, and a signature scent that Courteney Cox complimented her on. Read everything here, if you’d like (paywalled).
The trailer for Apples Never Fall, a new psychological thriller, looks gripping.
So excited for Jenny’s new cookbook!
Leo Woodall and Ambika Mod play a round of Never Have I Ever. (Vogue UK)
Weeknight tomato soup. When Anton was a baby, our friend Sean came over and made tomato soup and grilled cheese in our kitchen, while we watched TV. He then brought it to us, had a quick chat, and left. Was a new-baby gift I’ll never forget.
This English house just explodes with flowers.
What a pretty skirt.
14 on-screen couples with the best chemistry. Totally agree with #2. (Harper’s Bazaar)
“I love you but I don’t want to sleep with you.” (NYTimes gift link)
Hunter Harris does the best Love Is Blind commentary. “I scroll the Love Is Blind chat the way a father in the 1950s would read the morning newspaper and ignore his children. This chat is delicious to me. I luxuriate in it.”
Yummmmm, a chickpea, avocado and tater tot sandwich.
Hahaha, but true.
Plus, four reader comments…
Says Mikiko on do TV jobs seem real: “I’m an OB/GYN and got to be an extra on the Hawaii 5-0 episode where Danno’s ex-wife has a baby. There’s a two-second shot of my profile where I am performing her C-section, and before they shot the scene, they spritzed her face to make it seem like she was sweating from the effort of labor. I said, ‘She’s having a C-section — she’s not going to be sweating!’ And they quickly wiped off her face lol.”
Says Caroline on do TV jobs seem real: “I’ve worked with horses my entire life, and the horse sound effects in movies and TV shows drive me nuts. Horses are not neighing/snorting/nickering at all times! In fact they are mostly quiet! It’s okay to show a horse on screen without horse sound effects.”
Says Anonymous on do TV jobs seem real: “I am female FBI analyst. The one thing I feel like I always have to tell people: I never slept with anyone in my Quantico class. In fact, I’ve never slept with a coworker ever. We can actually investigate without sexual tensions, haha.”
Says Lauren on nine women with gray hair: “I had a boss with striking gray hair that she paired with very high heels and an attitude that let you know she’d brook absolutely no shit. She was a badass boss in a good-old-boys-dominated industry. I have a striking head of non-natural red hair that I’ve been rocking for 13 years and I will pay a zillion dollar to keep it up forever. Whatever our look, may it always make us feel badass. And when it stops serving us, let us have the bravery to change it.”
(Photo by Nadine Greeff/Stocksy.)
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