Where is the Sons of the Forest Modern Axe? The useful tool might be cumbersome and slower to wield, but it does much more damage than your starter axe, so you can chop down trees and build a sturdy base as soon as you find it.
The Sons of the Forest Modern Axe location contains one of the more useful tools in Endnight’s survival horror game – not only is it necessary for base building, but it also doubles as a Sons of the Forest weapon. Thankfully, it isn’t hidden away in a cave or a dig site, instead just lying out in the open. So, unlike locating the elusive Sons of the Forest shovel, the only difficulty in finding it is knowing where to go on the large Sons of the Forest map.
Sons of the Forest Modern Axe location
The Sons of the Forest Modern Axe is found by, or rather, buried in, a corpse in an abandoned campsite. The camp in question is in the northwest corner of the map, near one of the purple markers indicated by the Sons of the Forest GPS locators, if you haven’t already found it.
If the purple marker is no longer on your map, you’ll find the camp on the eastern side of the long river, which connects to the northern shoreline. There are no particular threats to be aware of, other than perhaps the odd cannibal or two, so you should be perfectly safe going in search of the Modern Axe, and can even save or spend the night in the campsite when you get there.
Since the Sons of the Forest Modern Axe is one of the easiest and safest tools to find in Sons of the Forest, you might want to make it one of the first you go after. Then, with some practice and strength built up, go after the Sons of the Forest rebreather, which is essential for exploring underwater caves. There are a few different spawn locations in the sandbox game, so if you find yourself on a long walk to the Modern Axe location, make sure you have plenty of food and know how to get water in Sons of the Forest, and be sure to keep your stamina up.
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