MINUTES 1.22.24
Published 7:27 am Wednesday, February 21, 2024
School Board Proceedings
ISD 492
Austin, MN
The Austin School Board held a study session on 1/22/24 in the District Office Conf Room, 401 Third Ave NW in Austin. Chair Dube called meeting to order at 4 pm. Members present Carolyn Dube, Kathy Green, Cece Kroc, Don Leathers (4:14 pm), Carol McAlister, Evan Sorenson and Peggy Young. No members absent.
Kroc/Young approval of agenda, 6-0
Young/Green approval of tax abatement request from Bigelow & Lennon (PIN 34.468.0140), 6-0
Leathers arrived at 4:14 pm.
Discussion held on valentine’s day and other non-secular holiday celebrations in the classroom.
Sorenson/Green to reinstate all holiday celebrations including valentine’s day until community input and discussion can be had. Motion failed with Dube, Kroc, Leathers, McAlister, Young voting against.
Sorenson left meeting at 5:23 pm.
Exec Dir of Special Services provided a department update.
Revised policies, 620, 416, 416 Form, and 506 were presented for first reading.
Dr. Page provided an update on kindergarten transition.
Young/Green to enter closed session at 6:03 pm for a negotiation strategy involving Austin Principals Association, 6-0
Kroc/Green to enter open session at 6:11 pm, 6-0
Young/Kroc to adjourn at 6:11 pm, 6-0
By: Peggy Young, Clerk
Austin Daily Herald:
Feb. 21, 2024
MINUTES 1.22.24
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