What are the best Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand skills? There are four default vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2, but if you do a bit of searching, you can transform your Arisen into a completely different class. The Mystic Spearhand is so special that only the Arisen can use it, and judging by the skills it has, it would be unfair if your Pawns had access to such broken abilities.
The Mystic Spearhand blends the sheer power of a Warrior with the magical abilities of a Sorcerer, creating arguably the best Dragon’s Dogma 2 vocation in the entire RPG game. Whether you want to fight from a distance or up close, the Mystic Spearhand can truly do it all with ease. All you need to do is track down the Mystic Spearhand maister location on your Dragon’s Dogma 2 map. Here’s everything you need to unlock the Mystic Spearhand and create the ultimate build in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
How to unlock the Mystic Spearhand vocation
You can unlock the Mystic Spearhand vocation early on in your playthrough once you visit the Harve Village. If you’re following the main story, you will end up at this location during Captain Brant’s Monster Culling quest which has you travel to three separate locations to fight off some monsters.
Once you fight off the Saurians in Stormwind Cave as part of the Monster Culling mission, Froyan asks you to return to see what the town looks like after the villagers have recovered. This unlocks the Scaly Invaders quest, prompting you to report back to Froyan in a few days. To unlock this vocation as fast as possible, you’re going to need to skip several day and night cycles by sleeping multiple times in quick succession.
It’s worth pointing out that it doesn’t matter when you next show up to meet Froyan, as long as you’ve waited at least three days. When you return to Harve Village, Froyan asks you to deal with the Saurians who have returned to the area once more. Defeat the Saurians to complete the Scaly Invaders quest, freeing the village of the deadly invaders.
Now that you’re able to explore the area, head to the Coastal Hut in Harve Village to find Sigurd. All you need to do is talk to Sigurd and upon recognizing that you’re the Arisen, he immediately gives you the ability to use the Mystic Spearhand vocation. Unlike the Sorcerer and Warrior vocations that require you to find weapons beforehand, the Mystic Spearhand is available immediately for 200 Dcp.
Best Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand skills
Due to the versatility of the Mystic Spearhand’s abilities, we’ve decided to build our Arisen as a jack of all trades, capable of close-range, ranged, and support skills. This makes the vocation unstoppable against crowds of monsters and can single-handedly topple large Dragon’s Dogma 2 enemies when played correctly. When using this set of skills, this is the best Mystic Spearhand build you can put together.
The best Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand skills are:
- Seching Storm
- Dragoun’s Foin
- Devout Offringe
- Mirour Vesture
Seching Storm
Remember Vergil from Devil May Cry? He uses an attack called Summoned Swords, and that’s essentially what Searching Storm does. The Mystic Spearhand creates four blue orbs around them, instantly honing in on enemy targets when they get into range. Searching Storm is the advanced version of Seching Blade, giving you more orbs for less stamina.
Dragoun’s Foin
The advanced version of your first weapon skill, Dragoun’s Stabb, this improved ability travels further than before and also deals magick damage. This ability can be used in midair, allowing you to attack flying harpies, piercing them with your duospear as you leap directly into the sky. We also recommend using this weapon skill when making your way around the map, the distance you travel for the stamina is more efficient than running.
Devout Offringe
A brutal display of power, Devout Offringe allows you to pick up any loose objects like barrels, tables, and even enemy corpses and hurl them in a concentrated blast. An enhanced version of Humble Offringe, the range that you pick up nearby objects is greatly extended, and the amount of damage dealt by the objects is also increased.
Mirour Vesture
Undoubtedly the best protection spell in the game, Mirour Vesture grants you and your allies an unbreakable shield for five seconds. This might not sound particularly useful, but this is just enough time to revive your teammates when they get knocked down. The worst part of reviving characters is the fear you have that someone is going to break your progress, but Mirour Vesture ensures that can never happen again.
All Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand weapon skills
We picked our favorite weapon skills for the Mystic Spearhand, but this vocation is so busted that you still have plenty of options to choose from if you’re looking to deal damage. Unto Skie, one of the silliest abilities, just about missed out on our list, but this ability deserves a shoutout as it’s capable of launching small enemies into the distance. It genuinely looks like something out of a cartoon, that’s how powerful this vocation is.
Here are all the Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand weapon skills we know about so far:
Mystic Spearhand Weapon Skills | Cost (Dcp) |
Dragoun’s Stabbe | Free |
Dragoun’s Foin | 1,000 |
Seching Blade | 200 |
Seching Storm | 1,000 |
Humble Offringe | 300 |
Devout Offringe | 1,300 |
Thef’s Hond | 450 |
Ravinour’s Hond | 1,300 |
Mirour Vesture | 450 |
Skiedragoun’s Fangtooth | 700 |
Unto Skie | 1,100 |
All Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand core skills
The Mystic Spearhand’s core skills provide the class with even more power, effectively giving the vocation a pistol that you can use to teleport to your target. You also gain the ability to constantly spin your Duospear, cutting any enemy down in a matter of seconds. Purchase these core skills as soon as you earn enough money to do so.
Here are all the Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand core skills we know about so far:
Mystic Spearhand Core Skills | Cost (Dcp) |
Scatering Bolt | 150 |
Quik Fot | 250 |
Ferrene Bolt | 400 |
Winding Cut | 600 |
Scatering Bolt
Launch a Scatering Bolt at an enemy, then follow up with a Forbeding Bolt the instant it hits to ensnare nearby hostile targets. This sets up groups of enemies for a large scale attack, particularly useful if you have a Mage or Sorcerer on your team, but this can also be utilized by a Mystic Spearhand. Simply launch directly into a group of enemies using Dragoun’s Foin to pierce through multiple targets.
Quik Fot
The Mystic Spearhand’s only real downside is that its slower than its melee counterparts. However, Quik Fot makes up for this by allowing you to teleport directly to your target when you hit them with a Forbeding Bolt or Scatering Bolt.
Ferrene Bolt
Increases the range of Redouted Bolt. Let’s be honest, the Mystic Spearhand’s core skills can’t all be smash hits. This skill isn’t bad by any means, it’s just boring compared to the other skills on offer.
Winding Cut
Channel your inner cheerleader with the Winding Cut ability, giving you the power to twirl your Duospear for the duration of your stamina bar. The faster you tap X, the faster the Duospear spins, allowing you to rip through enemies while walking forward.
Best Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand party
Honestly, it doesn’t really matter who you pick when you’re the Mystic Spearhand, it’s a matter of which Dragon’s Dogma 2 Pawns you want to bring with you. You can never go wrong with a Mage to keep your health topped up, saves you from having to use any food in a fight. Other than that, you’re capable of dealing all the damage, you can stop anyone on your team from dying, you’re practically unstoppable.
Now you have everything you need to play as the Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand. You might want to check out our Dragon’s Dogma 2 missions guide now that you’re packing all of this power. Don’t forget to read our Dragon’s Dogma 2 review to see what we thought about Capcom’s epic RPG.
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